Hypnotherapy: a powerful facilitator of change

Hypnosis and hypnotherapy is a powerful tool to facilitate positive change in your life. How many times have you tried to change an unhelpful habit with no success? Why is it so difficult for us to create change? And what makes hypnotherapy so powerful in facilitating change? 


One of the principles of hypnotherapy is that what you focus on grows. If you keep on thinking about wanting to stop smoking, all the mind can think of is smoking. If you focus on the thing you’re afraid of and continue to avoid it, your fear will grow stronger. By focusing on the unhelpful habits, those habits will continue to be part of your life. Where your attention goes, your energy flows. The key is to shift your focus to what you want more of in your life. 


Hypnotherapy can help challenge these unhelpful habits by creating a shift on the subconscious level. The conscious mind is logical and analytic. This is where all cognitive processes (also known as thought processes) take place and any information that is processed is either discarded or passed on to the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind does not analyse or interpret information, it simply accepts information provided by the conscious mind. This is where all beliefs are held that influence the conscious mind. Hypnosis works by inducing a deep state of relaxation to bypass the conscious, analytical mind to challenge the unhelpful habits and beliefs on the subconscious level.


For example, if you have a fear of public speaking, there may be a belief stored in the subconscious part of your mind about the fear. This belief in turn influences the decisions you make on a conscious level, such as avoiding public speaking. Each time you avoid public speaking or focus on the fear associated with it, it reinforces the belief held in the subconscious part of your mind. Through hypnotherapy you can bypass the conscious, analytical mind to challenge the fear and transform it into a more helpful way of thinking.


Are you ready to create positive changes in your life? 


Navigating Uncertainty